The Future of Publishing
When a new book appears in the bookstores, what happens if audiences ignore it? It vanishes quickly and ignominiously. A few weeks on the shelves (max), then down it comes. Traditionally, the covers were torn off and the book was sent back to the publisher. That's it. No second chances, no mercy, no pardons. And what are the chances that the publishers would carry on and publish your second book? Diminished is a good word. If you were lucky, your chances were diminished. If the reception was exceptionally silent, you were screwed. The chances after that of any other publisher putting out another book by the same author? Pay attention. I said "screwed." So what I'm saying is that in the old days, writers and publishers had one shot - one chance to get it right. The world of e-books is somewhat kinder. Granted, big advances for unknown writers may be a thing of the past. And you still may never sell any books. Nothing like getting a royalty cheque that won't ...