Licence to Fail
Having already posted my Zen of Failure, I’ve realized I can now use it to excuse all sorts of unsuccessful experiments on this blog. My last blog post came right out and asked for comments. How many comments did it get me? Zero. As a consequence, I now know something that seemed promising, that absolutely does not work – at least within the scale currently possible on my blog. The experiment was based on some advice I had read that suggested: a) Asking questions b) Appealing to your readership Both of these methods can successfully generate comments and elicit response. So why didn’t it work for me? It probably has something to do with Response Ratios I selected some random YouTube videos as examples of normal response ratios: · An album with 14,151 views has 510 likes and has generated 58 comments. Ratio of comments to views is .4 per cent. Just over 3 per cent of the viewers ...