Am I Weird?
Someone, whose opinions I respect a great deal, recently read The Human Template . He called me up and asked a number of articulate and thought-provoking questions about the book and the world I created there. What delighted me more than anything was my ability to provide him with thoughtful and interesting answers. I’ve never perceived myself as particularly erudite, but because his questions were informed and insightful, I discovered that they were all about things I had researched well and already thought about at length. The answers poured out of me. I was finally getting a chance to talk about the thoughts and influences that informed my decisions in the telling of the story. It made me realize that I had tons and tons of stuff there wasn’t room to expand on in the book because of creative choices I had made (including the need to just shut up and get on with the story). This was all stuff I didn’t even know I knew! I've been shying away from doing in...